Part 3: How to mix Spring & Summer tones

Part 3: How to mix Spring & Summer tones

Thank you so much for all your Facebook and email feedback last week! Your comments told us that spring and summer tones where the most popular colourways and in fact many of you felt that you looked great in both. So for this post, we've decided to show you how to mix and match these two tones and give you a wee sneak peek of what's coming soon...

Mix n Match


Clockwise from the top: Gypsy Sweater in Pixie, Karmichael Scarf in Artisan, Harmony Beanie in Wisp, Forest Fingerless Gloves in Pixie, Harmony Scarf in Pixie, Wallgarden Beanie in Artisan and Karmichael Mittens in Artisan.

If you are struggling with which colours works best for you start by looking at your complexion (and hair colour) and follow our seasonal chart. Once you are feeling braver, you can mix and match different colourways/tones for a more unique look! 


Sneak Peek

As you know, we are currently designing a new hand-knit sweater for this holiday season. ERIBÉ are experts in hand-knitting and while many designers no longer use this technique due to it's time intensive nature, we continue to do so because of this craft's versatility. Hand-knitting allows our designers to be inventive and we are passionate about keeping this heritage craft alive. Your comments have helped us select flattering shades for a new exclusive colourway.

Do you want a sneak peek? Of course you do….

Make sure you've signed up to our newsletter as we will launch this gorgeous hand-sweater very soon. We may even have extra-special limited edition offer to share with you so stay tuned!

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